Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 16, 2016 - 804 South Fifth Street...

Where it all started, who would have thought how our love story would go. So many ups and downs that made us stronger. I visited the E&H building for the last time before they move, a lot of memories in that building for sure. I remember where I was sitting the first time I saw you pushing (riding) a desk through the inside sales area. You were wearing your glasses, a grey Lester sales sweatshirt and that sweet baby face smile. We were friends from the start and you were full of life as always. 
Lots of memories there, all the times you played trick on me and shrink wrapped on things off my desk to the warehouse poles and I would find them days later. 
We were best friends from the beginning and so glad we started that way. Then time flys and we were there for each other for some rough times in both our lives that we only shared with each other. 
I remember the place I was standing in that building in inside sales when I called you because I was in the process to having a miscarriage with our first baby. You got me home and we sat in our living room holding each other with no words needed. 
I remember the spot we met up in the warehouse to get a call from the doctor saying we were pregnant again and it was with Garret. We didn't tell anyone right away because we were so scared but yet so excited. Then when we had Ethan, there were a lot of good memories in that building, just needed to see it one more time. I don't like going there much since we lost you, it's painful and it's a life I can never have back but that's ok too because I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. We have had to continue this life and journey without you, not a choice we wanted to make but we are doing our best and living this life to the fullest we can because not doing that would be cheating you. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Dreams...

You visited me in my dreams last night, those are always so bittersweet with a lot of mixed feelings to them. Don't always see your face in my dream, but hear your voice and touched your face. Miss you everyday and such a struggle to have our boys grow up without you. You would be so proud of them, they miss you everyday. But as we know life goes on and we make the choice to go forward with it, no other option on our journey. Life is good but just a different kind of good. Losing you changed us all forever, the boys and I try to stay positive and continue to make the most of the life you were taken from way to soon. Most days we have peace and we have found a new kind of happiness and have a good life. Some days it just hangs heavier on our hearts. Boys are growing so much!!!