Well yet again the roller coaster continues with it's ups and downs on this journey of mine, some days I'm laughing, some days I cry, some days my head is spinning and sometimes I just feel like I'm hanging upside down ready to crash to the ground. It gets freaking exausting tell you the truth, I get to feeling really good and even going up hill I feel strong and then it falls out from under you. Sometimes it is a moment, something I do myself and sometimes it is something someone else does to knock you off course. But as I have every time I will take this as something to help me refocus on this new chapter that it seems to be and as in the past it will teach me something and help me on this little road I'm on. Because God must have a plan in my life and that is all I can have faith in through the good and bad. Right now I am looking at how I exactly appoarch this next chapter, I have debated on going back to counseling because it does help but sometimes the talking just gets on my last nerve. The counselor is great, and it does help to get it out but in the end he really doesn't give me the answers, I end up fiinding them by talking it out and answering some of his questions. Sometimes I find that my way is still unclear, life goes so fast that it's hard to keep it all in focus. There is no button in life that is labeled replay, time is a gauge that reminds me to remember to grab all I can in life. For me it is hard to set back and let things come together rather God is in control or not, that is probably my main problem since the accident. I look around at family and friends and we all have our own story that makes us who we are, it shapes us but in the end I really think that we have to decide how much that stuff really defines us, it is different for it to teach us something but we should never let events or things in our life define who we are. So I don't know what I will do to refocus this time, for now I will take some me time and go on vacation with my kiddos to Disney and face it with a new attitude when I return. Until then I will have fun and enjoy my friends, and stop overthinking every detail of my life. Just a little bump in this journey of mine, that's all!!!!
Just remember... Life is short, live every moment like it's your last...
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