Thursday, October 13, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Doctor's came in very early this morning so I could come home to my boys. It has been a long couple weeks and sorry I haven't been keeping people up to date but it was a rough run and I really do not remember it all when I was major sick after surgery. Had 87/41 blood pressure amd Hemo 5.6 and 4 more pints of Blood. Thanks to everyone who was sending prayers and checking on me, it helps so much. Plan for now is to hit PT some with walking but no lifting more the. 10-15 lbs due to bladder surgery. We are working on a To Do List for the house so anyone who is willing to help please let me know and drop me a text. I will probably pick a Saturday coming up soon and there is just some odds and ins that need done and we will also try to do a roadside memorial for Derek on the same day so I will keep everyone posted..
Boys are doing great, having fun with family and friends! Tonight is game night and pizza with mom!!!
See and talk to you all soon! Love u!

1 comment:

  1. Coni,

    I'm so glad you are at home. Your recovery will be quicker and your spirits higher with the boys around. We all think about you and pray for you every day. Take care.
