Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013 Dad's Tree...

This is a picture of Garret helping me with the Landscaping last night. He was a huge help and worked so hard. He worked the hardest on his dad's tree (in pictures), pulling all the weeds and putting down all the mulch very detailed, they love that tree and I am very glad we planted it. Both boys will ask all the time "when will dad's tree be big enough for us to climb" such a little question but for me it is hard to think that one day they will be able to and that much time will have past but the tree will stand strong just like Derek and his boys. I hope to live in that house a long time and that my boys kids will be able to climb that tree one day and know what an amazing man Derek was from the stories our boys tell them. Garret has decided that he will have kids at age 25, so I guess I have 14 more years as he told me the other day. I can't believe how big they both have gotten and how grown up they can act sometimes. Guess they haven't had much choice but to grow up fast after all they have dealt with in their little life. They will experience more then most adults will in their life. But they will be strong and good men!!! I am so very proud of both my boys and get tears in my eyes when I think how they must feel some days but I have faith that it will all be okay.

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