Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012 Happy 42th Birthday...

Happy Birthday my love, I can't believe that this is the second birthday without you. I sit here and I don't even have words this morning, all I can do is cry. This life is so hard without you by my side and your boys miss you so much. Some days it just doesn't seem possible that your really gone and that all our plans for the furture have changed in a heart beat. I was running last night and I rounded the corner to the house and it all flashed back how many times we had made that walk and how in a heartbeat all our dreams and moments changed. I promise to live life to the fullest, something you taught me. Live love laugh!!! I miss your smile, your voice and that feeling that everything is going to be okay when you were here. It is now all up to me and it's too hard to bare somedays, it hurts, it is scary and I'm tired but for you I will keep pushing forward through every heart ache, every tear because I know that is what you would want me to do. Please give your boys and me the strength every day to live this life the best we can. We love and miss you so much! Headed to Disney soon and it will be so bittersweet, we will see memories everywhere there but we will make new one for you. Hope you are celebrating in an amazing way today. The boys will release a balloon and eat your favorite sugar cookie with icing today!!!

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