Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013 Live Today...

What if you knew how long you had to live?? What would you do different today or tomorrow? Who would you call and tell you loved them or tell them how much they mean in your life?? What would you want people to remember about you? Words are so powerful!!! Some of Derek and my last words to each other that day when he put my helmet back on me on that little corner in Bardstown where "I love you" and I will never forget that. You NEVER know what tomorrow will bring!!!
None of us know how long we have but we should live every day like it's our last in the fact that we should never take anything for granted in this life. God has given each of us our journey in this life to live, that journey can change in the choices we make but he is always there to help put us in the right direction. We all have struggles and obstacles to over come in life and we each as individuals make choices on how we deal with those and how we let them effect us. I try to remember every day to be thankful for every little thing in my life, the people I love and the new things in my life that make me smile just to think that life is going to be okay. I know that it is not always easy to look at it that way and I have my times I struggle and I still have my times I want to give up still just because I want to say this isn't supposed to be my life and I don't want to do this anymore because I am tired. But that is not a choice that I let take over. Even on the days that you are in a little daze, or angry with God for your life not being or going a way you think it should, that is when you have to pray more and trust that God has this. It is far more then just what you think it should be. I can tell you even in my life and the journey I am on that I have hope, healing and see blessings in my life more then I could have ever imgined. Never will mean that you are thankful for what brought you to this point but it means that you cherish everything because of what you have lost, loved and learned along the way.

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