Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012 First Father's Day...

What a weekend, guess I'm feeling a lot of different thougths and emotions after this weekend. The weekend was good. Did we have moments we were sad because we were missing someone, YES!!! But in the end we appreciated the people we did have around and tried to make the best of it. Most of all we Laughed and Smiled!!!
The boys stayed at Ralph and Lorrain's Friday night while I went out with some good friends and had some fun. I also got to see one of my best buddies that always gives me a little peace and that was nice. Miss not getting to spend a lot of time with everyone like we use to, life is just so crazy these days.
Saturday we started the day off at Mr Gatti's and Putt Putt with Lorrain, Ralph, Rhonda, Eric and Peyton. It was hot but we had fun and the kids loved the go carts and putt putt. That was our first trip to Mr Gatti's since the accident, Ethan never wants to go there since we use to eat there with Derek but he decided to give it a try and I am so proud of him. We finished up the day by heading to the farm that night and spending two nights and relaxing. Garret went on his first solo horse back ride with Lonny and me, so he was excited. We all fished, caught frogs, snakes and other things in the creek. And of course a swim in the lake for the boys. We ended Sunday by Maddie and the boys talking me into staying Sunday night. So it was a good finish, boys watched a movie and then laid in bed and talked to Lonny for a while. And us adults watched a movie.
I received over 50 text yesterday off and on at the farm, I don't have service out there so most of them were this morning but it was wonderful to know so many people were thinking of us yesterday. Father's day will never be the same for us but we will be okay and we will stay strong.

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